Even though most people have seen the periodic table of elements they are unaware of its impact on whether they are healthy or not. Our body's digestion must be strong enough to be able to pick up the mineral elements on this chart from our food to make healthy cells, tissues and organs.
We work with you to identify the underlying mineral deficiencies that cause discomfort and dis-ease, then guide you through diet and lifestyle changes that give your body the energy to achieve it's optimum wellness naturally.
If your body is not getting its nutrition from diet and lifestyle its not natural.
There are no magic pills, lotions or potions.
The secret is in the diet and lifestyle choices.
Nutritional testing indicates whether a particular lifestyle is beneficial or detrimental for any individual. This screening yields information which is helpful in determining where the person's diet and lifestyle can be altered to improve body chemistry. The goal is to identify what nutrient content is missing and what area of the body is being affected.
Analysis of urine and saliva are conducted and compared to the known values of perfect human health. It does not diagnose any disease, but instead can be used to suggest changes that can be made to bring the body into a healthier range of operation. Then the body can more efficiently uptake nutrient content and create healthy cells.
Recommendations may include dietary factors such as altering the intake of water, fats, carbohydrates, protein, fiber, salt, minerals, vitamins, etc., as well as exercise, rest, chiropractic care, massage, colon hydrotherapy, etc.
So many health issues and imbalances can be seen by this simple test. The numbers will show which lifestyle adjustments need to be made for optimal energy, mental clarity, digesting and glandular support. When those are balanced, everything in the body works better at the cell level. The primary objective of this evaluation is to educate us about our body's processes so that we will be able to correct the cause of any body malfunction, rather than deal with the effects (symptoms, disease) Why guess when you can be sure?
$120 for Initial session
$35 for 15 minute re-checks
$25 for each additional 15 minutes of consultation
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